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A removal tool hi 915 bytes ( 1 KB pawh tlinglo) vel chauh ani a, Batch file (batch file is the name given to a type of script file, a text file containing a series of commands to be executed by the command interpreter) ani a, i computer ah i run tawp thei e....
1. A removal tools (.bat) file hetah hian download rawh le 1 KB, Click here
2. I download a zawh hunah Run tawp from virus and worm....
3. Run la chuan press any key
4. Restart Your Computer
Caontact me here - Ronson
A removal tool hi 915 bytes ( 1 KB pawh tlinglo) vel chauh ani a, Batch file (batch file is the name given to a type of script file, a text file containing a series of commands to be executed by the command interpreter) ani a, i computer ah i run tawp thei e....
1. A removal tools (.bat) file hetah hian download rawh le 1 KB, Click here
2. I download a zawh hunah Run tawp from virus and worm....
3. Run la chuan press any key
4. Restart Your Computer
Caontact me here - Ronson